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Bildextra: Grattis till charmprinsen George!

22 jul, 2016, 06:00
author Agneta Nisbeth
Agneta Nisbeth
Tipsa oss!
Lilla prins George fyller 3 år idag och det är mycket som har hänt på ett år.


13 December 2014. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have released three official Christmas photographs of Prince George. The photographs were taken in late November, and show Prince George in a courtyard at Kensington Palace. Credit: The Duke & Duchess of Cambridge/Ken Goff Rota/GoffPhotos.com Ref: KGC-375 Terms of Release which MUST be adhered to without exception: 1. Copyright in the photographs vest in TRH The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. 2. These photographs are being made available to Ken Goff by way of licence on condition that: a) they shall be embargoed for use until 22.30hrs GMT on Saturday, 13th December 2014. b) The photographs shall be strictly for editorial use only. c) No charge should be made for the supply, release or publicationn of the photographs. d) There shall be no commercial use whatsoever of the photographs (including any use in merchandising, advertising or any other non-editorial use). **No UK Sales Until 28 Days After Create Date** 13 December 2014. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have released three official Christmas photographs of Prince George. The photographs were taken in late November, and show Prince George in a courtyard at Kensington Palace. Credit: The Duke & Duchess of Cambridge/Ken Goff Rota/GoffPhotos.com Ref: KGC-375 Terms of Release which MUST be adhered to without exception: 1. Copyright in the photographs vest in TRH The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. 2. These photographs are being made available to Ken Goff by way of licence on condition that: a) they shall be embargoed for use until 22.30hrs GMT on Saturday, 13th December 2014. b) The photographs shall be strictly for editorial use only. c) No charge should be made for the supply, release or publicationn of the photographs. d) There shall be no commercial use whatsoever of the photographs (including any use in merchandising, advertising or any other non-editorial use). **No UK Sales Until 28 Days After Create Date** COPYRIGHT STELLA PICTURES

När prinsessan Kate och prins William fick sitt första barn, prins George blev han snabbt allas favorit. Med söta små kinder och söta små kläder charmade han hela världen. Han hann bli en stilikon innan  sin ettårsdag och allt han har på sig säljer snabbt slut i affärerna. Nu har George hunnit bli tre och han har hunnit med en hel del det senaste året. Se alla bilder från prinsens senaste år och bilderna vi minns. Se bilderna nedan.

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Av: Frida Mrad

Foto: Stella/IBL
